How to Increase Organic Traffic of Our Website

How to Increase Organic Traffic of Our Website
The hardest work you will ever put into your website, is building organic traffic. This is the one thing that cannot be done with a quick and simple solution, but it is worth every inch of your time and effort. Why? Because organic traffic means, that the material you put on your webpage today will steer traffic the next day, month, and possibly even a number of years to come.

What is Organic Traffic

To put it simple, saying Organic Traffic in other words would be visitors coming from a search engine. In general, people trust search engines, like Bing or Google, that is why the phrase ‘’just Google it’’ is something we can hear on practically daily bases, and it really is reinforcing the fact that people are truly tied to the search engine. 
For the most part, organic traffic is driven by SEO, so the better you are ranking in the search engine pages for competitive keywords, the more organic traffic will result. Internet sites that are consistent in creating great content, optimized for search, will be able to see a steady increase in organic traffic and a better positioning on the search engine pages.
A little piece of advice; as a marketer, it is very important to look at your keywords, and high-ranking pages regularly, to identify any new SEO opportunities.

Benefits of Organic Traffic

Many people choose the PPC route (Pay-Per-Click), and yes, it is fast, effective and high-visibility for your business. But the moment you stop paying, you simply disappear from the search engine pages. This is where organic traffic has a great advantage, so let’s have a look at some of the greatest benefits of organic traffic.
  1. High quality traffic
Although it is very good to have strength in numbers when it comes to traffic, the quality of that traffic is actually more important as the quantity. Your goal is probably to convert your visitors into clients, not just some random lost people, who stumbled upon your site by mistake. And to determine the quality of a visitor you need to know the people’s search purpose.
Every person who types a search query has a specific purpose, and they expect the material they find in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) to satisfy them. If you are able to understand the search purpose of your potential customers, it can transform your marketing in numerous ways; you can be able to predict what keywords your prospective clients are more likely to use.
It is simple to start targeting different keywords with no strategy or structure, but that is one of the biggest mistakes you can make at this point. You see, when your potential clients are searching for information, they are extremely likely to use on of the four keyword types; Informational (‘’how to’’, ‘’why’’…), Navigational (includes a brand’s or product’s name), Transactional (closely tied with conversations), and Commercial (words like ‘’price’’, ‘’buy’’…). Brainstorm your keywords for each of these categories, and thing about the consumers’ needs. Dissecting your organic traffic will give you great insight into your customers’ journey and you will be able to reel in more and more clients, all based on their needs.
  1. Very sustainable approach
Unlike the short-lived PPCs, Organic Traffic is evergreen. It does take time to achieve great results, but they are long-lasting. Once your search engine visibility is established, it can serve your business for years to come. Of course you must be aware, that the SEO landscape is ever changing, and you will need to take care of the organic traffic strategy maintenance, but this is a strategy that is as close as it can be to an autopilot.
  1. Credibility and trust
When your website ranks high in the search engine pages, it comes with a perception of credibility on the side of searchers. High rankings imply industry’s leadership and authority, and exactly this kind of perception converts into more trust and a much greater likelihood to click through your site.

Getting Organic Traffic in a short period of time

Building Organic Traffic really does not have a quick fix and it does require a lot of hard work and time, but if you have the necessary knowledge and you prepare yourself in advance, it is possible to speed the process a little and get more traffic in a shorter period of time.

Originate the best possible content, and post consistently

What you must be aware of is that your internet site is what represents your business, and in most cases it provides the clients with the first impression. In order to paint a good picture about your company, make sure all the content you post is well-written, high quality material, with useful information and an engaging flow. If you only create articles so you have something to put on the page, don’t even bother, as it can do more damage to your reputation than good. It is the ideas the readers come back for, so keep the material fresh, up to date, and at the highest level possible.
And do not look for ‘’good and bad’’ days for updating your posts. Be consistent, the more the better. But if you are running a business alone, it can be a little frustrating to do everything, so aim for at least one update every week or simply hire a quality writer to do that for you. Regular updates keep the audience coming back, it tells them you are serious about providing good content, and they are the ones who end up sharing it and linking to it because of that. All of this is an excellent boost for organic traffic.

Guest post for traffic instead for SEO

The value of inbound links is dropping, that is why guest blogging entirely for those links is a flawed technique. But as the inbound link at the end of an article drops the benefits for SEO, it still has the importance of exposing your subject matters to a new audience.
Just be sure to aim for reliable websites within your niche, and don’t forget to check back on regular bases. Also, it is a great idea to respond to the comments. Ideally, you want to draw the visitors of that page to your site and responding to people’s opinions is a good way to start a relationship.

Do not reach for broad key phrases

It’s a competitive world, and finding a keyword that will rank your website higher seems almost impossible. Well, the best advice here would be, do not use the phrases or words that are well-spread already. Instead, be more specific, go with a low-key frame. The longer phrases are very effective in the search engines, as they target a specific crowd, and they do not have that much competition.

Do not anger the Search Engine

Making a search engine angry is like biting the hand that feeds you. Increasing organic traffic should always be done ethically, or a penalty will hit you over the head sooner or later. Unfortunately, some SEOs still enjoy testing the limits of what they can get away with, but remember, a penalty is waiting just around the corner. Here is what you definitely should definitely NOT do:
  • Build cheap links
  • Use the same, matching anchor texts
  • Pay for inbound links (seriously, never, ever pay for them)
  • Publish low-quality, copied or stolen content (instead, publish awesome material that helps the users)
As stated earlier, it is extremely hard to get organic traffic in a short period of time, but that certainly does not mean you cannot try. Stick to the guidelines, make sure your posted material is always fresh and engaging, and stay out of trouble, or the search engine’s penalty may sting very much, while you are trying to succeed.

FAQs on Organic Traffic 

1. Is the ranking in the search engine permanent if it is achieved with organic traffic?
If you rankyour website by organic traffic, it will be very hard for your competitors to surpass your performance on the search engines. Because of the quality of your site, in terms of material, you can enjoy visitors all the time. And as long as you meet the needs of your customers, your website’s ranking will continue to improve; your internet site will remain relevant to the search engines.
2. Do search engines find my website valuable because of organic traffic I steer in?
Yes, they most certainly do. Normally, the goal of the SEO is to improve the ranking of the website on various search engines. The largest amount of internet traffic comes, of course, from Google. If your internet site contains valuable information or good, quality content for the public, Google will favor your site, and executing organic SEO will increase your chances of ranking higher in the search engine (Google being the number one search engine).
3. Is it necessary to leave a review option for the visitors and customers?
It certainly is highly recommended. Not only that other people can check the feedback, but it will help you greatly with the rankings. And try to respond to the comments, interact with your clients, this will show the visitors you are serious about your business and you care about the customers’ needs.
4. Do I need to invest a lot of money to build good organic traffic?
No, not by a mile, organic SEO does not require an expensive investment. It does not involve buying any expensive software programs for analyzing keywords, for building automatic links or for spinning the articles. Visitors land on your website through the normal searches in the leading search engines, the real secret here is just optimizing the keywords.
5. Can I be sure, that all the visits I get through organic traffic are actual people that are interested in my site, and not some automated software, that helps with the numbers?
Implementing organic SEO in your internet site, you can be sure you are getting real visitors and traffic from actual human beings, not automated visitors. Sometimes in paid traffic, you can get clicks from other sources, like automated machines; for example, in Pay-Per-Click some individuals may use software to increase their clicks in an effort of earning more money. But this is not human traffic, and at the end of the day there will be no conversion rate. So whatever you have heard before, automated machines do not actually mean there is a lot of traffic on the website, and with a good organic flow you can be certain that the visitors are there, because they chose to click on your site.

Conclusion on Organic Traffic

The phrase ‘’hard work gets the best results’’ always ends up being true in practice, and on the internet it is no different. If you want to build a site with a great flow of organic traffic, you have to work for it, which means, you need to put in your best effort every single time, go after the opportunities your competitors have missed, be consistent, guest blog strategically, and always stay on search engine’s good side to avoid being penalized.

Getting organic traffic within only one month seems impossible, but if you prepare the ground in advance, it can be done. Make sure you have enough of high-quality content, that you can update frequently, and really think hard about the keywords you want to use to expose your site to the maximum. Remember, a website that is user friendly, with informational and helpful material is something that the search engine takes into account, and it can result in your rankings.

So take some time, brainstorm on a few options, and start the process. In case you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us, and we will be happy to help.


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